Friday 19 June 2009

Stair Climb Challenge Fisted

Just two days after stairsman Duncan Skehens delivered a clumsy open handed slap to the previous stair climb record, the puckered up backdoor entrance to the UCHL's 16th floor has once again been sodomised.

In this instance it was stair aficionado Alex Hopson's hammer like fist that penetrated the furthest into the sub two minute barrier with a cataclysmic 01:42:00.

Though hindered with a £16.50 Gaucho burger and £7.10 of Haagen Dazs cream based produce in his stomach, apocalypse Hopson convincingly dismissed the previous record while Mr Skehens was forced to look on in wretched disgust.

Though taking on no specific training for the exercise, Mr Hopson is the only (male) athlete to have completed the challenge with shaved legs, an aggressive and sexual look that proved to be devastating.

Stair Climb Challenge Leader Board 19/06/2009

1st Alex Hopson 01:42:00
2nd Duncan Skehens 01:55:70*
3rd Hugo Lewis 01:59:50

*shower required after attempt.

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