Saturday 13 June 2009

The Leukaemia Shit-Fan Metaphor

The Leukaemia shit-fan metaphor is a little known but acclaimed means of simplifying a (Leukaemia based) scenario to such an extent that all traits contributing to the reality of the situation are stripped to make an abstract, confusing and often highly misleading simplification of the initial pretext. This scenario is rarely used in a medical context.

TLSFM in its simplest form:

Leukaemia is the metaphorical shit in this scenario. Shit, other than within some elite (but bizarrely broadening) Internet niches, is widely regarded as bad. Fans on the other hand are the good, and in this allegory represent the human body. However when you suspend shit above a moving fan, fans are not good. This is the crux of the TLSFM.

The challenge of battling Leukaemia involves both slowing the movement of the fan, and the supply of shit suspended above the fan, continually feeding it. If the shit comes into contact with the fan, shit lands on the walls and on other shit, which is in itself, is shit.

At present the most effective means of limiting the fall-out of a shit-fan collision is via chemotherapy, which is in effect like burning the whole building (containing shit, fan & all other shit) down. This leaves a smouldering wreck of a structure with no fan / shit, meaning the building can be reconstructed minus the shit, but including the glorious spinning fan.

In my current shit-fan metaphor, both shit and fan have been doused in metaphorical petrol and ignited. Fingers crossed the shit burns.

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