Sunday 14 June 2009

Anaesthetic VS. A Nice Old Women

Though not widely regarded as a point of debate, it would appear that Surrey’s Frimley Park Hospital haven’t decided which of these two options would best suit their patients.

On the one hand, anaesthetic’s properties generally involve reducing pain, while a nice old woman has no pain limiting traits, but can stroke the area being operated on.

During my last visit to said hospital I had to have a core of bone marrow removed from my hip. In this particular instance, perhaps as part of a cost cutting exercise (I’m not sure of the cost differentials between anaesthetic and 1 unit of old women), I was allocated the woman over regular pain relief.

My personal insight into this raging debate suggests that having your bones drilled while feeling all sensation (including the soothing stoking hand of an old woman) is actually quite painful. I’d image it’s on a par with some of the more left-field torture techniques out there. Luckily in addition to the soothing stroking hand of the old woman I was told I could also implement the popular pain relieving technique of deep breathing.

I feel I gave the old woman technique my best shot but on reflection, and this may sound bizarre, next time I have chunks of bone extracted from my back while conscious, I’m going to side with anaesthetic. The debate rages on…

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