Tuesday 23 June 2009

Hustling Redemption

Famed for setting the absolute base level of the Stair Climb Challenge with a pathetically woeful 03:08:60, Mr. Voyce has finally found redemption. His initial time made him the target of widespread hatred as it largely degraded the human race, further fuelling the debate that stairs carry more consequence than all global religion/badminton based sports.

Leapfrogging to within lunging distance of pole position after a week of gruelling training in Cornwall, Mr Voyce can now rest easy in second place after scaling UCHL towers in 01:50:18, good.

More importantly (but not really, but kind of), Dan's taking on a triathlon around the mean streets of London at the start of August in the name of Leakemia research. Here's your chance to forgo this week's whoring session and back the big man. He's a bloody delicious chap & it's a fine cause.

Hit up www.justgiving.com/djvoyce for his sponsorship page (the link was being a bastard earlier, hopefully it works now). There's a sexual photo of me on there.

Stair Climb Challenge Leader Board 23/06/2009

1st Alex Hopson 01:42:00
2nd Dan Voyce 01:50:18**
3rd Dunc Skehens 01:55:70*

*Shower required after attempt
** Clad in performance enhancing fabric

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