Wednesday 22 July 2009

Voycee's Triathlon Press Release

Readers will be pleased to hear that Dan (aka the unstoppable leisure machine) has been really pushing himself for the upcoming London Triathlon. His brutal 'training' regime has seen him pushed to the limits of human endurance on Richard Branson's private island in the British Virgin Islands. Not stopping there, he even knuckled down for a back-to-back training session in St. Tropez. So, if you've ever wondered how Mr. Voyce stays in such good shape, i think we've just exploded any myths, it's plain simple dedication.

Here's what Voycee's PR man concocted for his upcoming Triathlon epic. I particularly like the reference to windsurf pro, which is technically correct before anyone questions it. And for those of you who haven't parted with any cash, the big man still needs to hit 3k. Stop being tight, it's not like we're in a recession and getting shafted by an incompetent labour government. Hit up for Voycee's sponsorship page. Any donations are much appreciated, it's a solid cause.

City of Westminster Resident takes on triathlon in support of friend

City of Westminster resident Daniel Voyce is hard in training for the Mazda London Triathlon on Sunday 2 August 2009. He is raising money for the charity Leukaemia Research in support of a close friend who is suffering from the disease.

Daniel Voyce, 32, was in training for the Blenheim Palace triathlon on 6 June this year when he got the news that his friend Andrew Buchanan, known as ‘Buzz’, had been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia at the age of 27.

Daniel said: “Buzz is a laid back, fun fit windsurfing pro and chemotherapy is tough on him but he is taking it all very well so far. I originally started doing triathlons for fun and fitness without sponsorship but when Andrew was diagnosed I wanted to do something more pro-active.”

“I’m committed to doing a variety of events to raise money for Leukaemia Research in order to support Buzz during his treatment.”

Daniel is taking on the ‘Olympic’ distance at the London Triathlon consisting of a 1500m swim, 40 km cycle and 10km run. He is running as part of Leukaemia Research’s ‘Banana Army’ triathlon team, sponsored by TVTimes and Adidas. He will be running with a variety of TV and film celebrities such as Hollyoaks’ Ray MacAllan, Mark Lewis Jones (Master and Commander), and Holby Blue’s Richard Harrrington. Since 1982, well-known faces from the world of TV and film have completed in triathlons and runs to raise millions of pounds in support of Leukaemia Research’s vital work.

At the 2008 Mazda London Triathlon, the Banana Army raised over £100,000 for research into better treatments and cures for leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma. They are hoping to beat that total this year. For more information on the Banana Army and its range of running and triathlon events, visit

Daniel has already raised more than £2,500 for Leukaemia Research and hopes to raise much more. If you would like to support him, you can visit his fundraising website at .

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