Wednesday 22 July 2009

French Naval Fusion, Milan's barely ready, are you?

The brief was simple: To achieve an outfit of equal or greater potency to David Hasselhoff's seamen; a substance so potent it has been rumored to have been used as a substitute for Wasabi and some varieties of English mustard in Anglo-Japanese Fusion restaurants in and around Kent.

The only option was to combine two of the most revered pillars of homosexuality, the Navy, and the French (the remaining two pillars; all you can eat Quiche buffets and archery were just too volatile to be used safely at room temperature). The result, an oblique synthesis of classic French lounge weaves with elements of Naval crochet (specifically the Cutty Sark era) and subtle undertones of 90's tennis apparel.

The question, are London town's skinny jean clad streets ready for a look so potent? Cast your votes opposite, for we have the power to bring sophistication back to London's bevy of beguiled fashion excreta.

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